Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have noticed the following defects:

1) A user login and tries practice mode. He gets NullPointerException as soon as he goes beyong 1st question.

If you have noticed any other defects then please post them here. So I can fix them as soon as possible.


status of tasks

Finally, I relased a major new functionalities on December 2nd 2007. The following new functionalities were added:
1) Login functionality
2) Registration
3) An ability to save test to the DB (only for registered users)
4) Test History -- a list of summary of saved test
5) Reviewing test score of previous test

I still need to work on the following functionalities:
1) Allow users to retake past exam
2) Allow users to retake only incorrect questions from past exam
3) Allow users to retake past exam in practice mode as well real exam mode.
4) Forgot passowrd
5) Forum installation

If you are interested in specific features, then please post them here
Finally, I relased a major new functionalities on December 2nd 2007. The following new functionalities were added:
1) Login functionality
2) Registration
3) An ability to save test to the DB (only for registered users)
4) Test History -- a list of summary of saved test
5) Reviewing test score of previous test